2017 December Chapter Meeting


Monday December 11, 2017
11:30 p.m. – Networking
12:00 p.m. – Meal
12:30 p.m. – Program


Holiday Inn Downtown – Mercy Campus
1050 6th Ave
Des Moines, IA


Building Envelope Performance Specifications

Learning Objectives:

  • The participant will gain knowledge of the State Energy Code basics and how it effects the design of the building envelope.
  • The participant will learn the basics about building science and how air sealing effects the comfort, durability and efficiency of the building.
  • The participant will learn of common construction mistakes and how they impact the comfort, durability and efficiency of the building.
  • The participant will gain knowledge about building envelope commissioning and what areas of your specifications can clarify the steps to ensure energy performance and quality of construction.


David Ruffcorn, AIA
Senior Construction/Design Engineer
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Building Code Bureau


Free for ASHRAE Iowa members
$20 for non-members
Always free for students

Social Sponsor

We do not have a social sponsor for this event. Let us know if you want to sponsor a future event.


Registration is open now – it will close on December 6th so we can get food counts turned in.

Please register online if you are attending.

Links for related information (when available):

December IowaStalks Newsletter

